People play roulette to win money. Well, most do anyway. So when the ball lands on a number piled high with chips it’s YOUR job to add up the bet, in your head, and pay the CORRECT amount to the winner. Oh yeah baby!
This is the meat and potatoes of a roulette dealers job. If you don’t add up those crazy bets correctly, you’re off to the unemployment line.
But you’ve got to start off somewhere right? Don’t jump in and try to add up massive bets straight away. You’ll just get confused and slow down the learning process.
Start off slowly by seeing just a few chips in only the straight up (35) and split (17) positions.
Like this one for example

Easy right?
Tap the answer button to find out if your math is correct.
Here’s the answer

Work through the menu buttons (below) to add more chips, in more positions. If you’ve already practiced the easier bets you can jump to the more advanced bets by tapping the appropriate button.
This is what the Practice Payouts menu looks like

Start with the first button, ‘Splits and Straight Ups’. You will only see chips in the split and straight up positions. When you are comfortable with adding up bets in only these two positions, go to the next button, ‘Splits, Straight Ups and Corners’. Corners will be added to the bets now as well.
Work your way through all the buttons and you’ll soon be adding up bets like a pro!